Speedometer Calibration

Our speedometer calibration calculator will help you find the differences in speedometer reading and actual speed when changing from the OEM to a new tire size.

Enter your OEM tire size, new tire size, and speedometer reading to see what the actual speed will be with new tires installed.

Original Tire Size

New Tire Size


Speedometer Error Chart

Speedometer Reading Actual Speed

Speedometer calibration is a crucial aspect of vehicle maintenance that ensures the accuracy of the speed displayed by a vehicle's speedometer. This calibration process is vital for various reasons, including safety, legal compliance, and vehicle performance. A properly calibrated speedometer can significantly impact driving decisions, fuel efficiency, and the long-term maintenance of the vehicle. This comprehensive article explores the importance of speedometer calibration, highlighting its benefits and the potential consequences of neglecting this essential maintenance task.


The primary importance of speedometer calibration lies in its impact on safety. An accurate speedometer allows drivers to maintain appropriate speeds, reducing the risk of accidents caused by speeding. Speed limits are set to ensure the safety of all road users, and adhering to these limits is crucial. A miscalibrated speedometer could display a speed lower or higher than the vehicle's actual speed, leading to unintentional speeding or overly cautious driving, both of which can increase the likelihood of accidents.

Legal Compliance

Speeding violations can result in fines, points on a driver's license, and even suspension of driving privileges. These legal consequences underscore the importance of having a properly calibrated speedometer. Drivers relying on inaccurate speedometer readings may inadvertently exceed speed limits, leading to legal penalties. Regular calibration ensures that drivers have accurate speed information, helping them to avoid unintended speeding violations.

Vehicle Performance and Fuel Efficiency

The accuracy of a speedometer can also affect a vehicle's performance and fuel efficiency. For example, a vehicle driven consistently at speeds higher than intended due to a miscalibrated speedometer can experience increased wear and tear on engine components, brakes, and tires. Additionally, driving at higher speeds than perceived can lead to reduced fuel efficiency, increasing fuel consumption and costs. Speedometer calibration ensures that drivers can maintain optimal speeds that contribute to efficient vehicle operation and longevity.

Resale Value

The condition of a vehicle, including the accuracy of its speedometer, can significantly impact its resale value. Potential buyers are likely to be deterred by a history of speeding violations or excessive wear and tear resulting from inaccurate speed readings. Ensuring that the speedometer is accurately calibrated can help maintain the vehicle's value and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

Calibration After Modifications

Vehicles that have undergone modifications, such as tire size changes or transmission swaps, often require speedometer recalibration. These modifications can alter the vehicle's speed readings, making recalibration necessary to ensure accuracy. Failure to recalibrate after such changes can lead to all the aforementioned issues, emphasizing the importance of recalibration as part of the modification process.

How Speedometer Calibration is Performed

Speedometer calibration can be done using various methods, depending on the vehicle's make and model. Some modern vehicles can be recalibrated using specialized software that interfaces with the vehicle's onboard computer. For older vehicles, mechanical adjustments might be required. Professional calibration services use precise instruments and road testing to ensure the speedometer reads accurately at various speeds.

Speedometer calibration is a critical maintenance task that significantly impacts safety, legal compliance, vehicle performance, fuel efficiency, and resale value. Ensuring that a vehicle's speedometer is accurately calibrated allows drivers to make informed speed-related decisions, adhere to speed limits, and maintain their vehicle's condition over time. Whether due to normal wear and tear, environmental factors, or vehicle modifications, regular speedometer calibration is essential for any responsible vehicle owner. Ignoring this important aspect of vehicle maintenance can lead to a host of negative consequences, making speedometer calibration a key component of safe and efficient vehicle operation.

All listed guides, data and/or calculations are for informational purposes only. TireSizes.com does not warrant or make any representations regarding the accuracy of or the results of the use of this information.